and secondly, how essential it is to take some time and think about the issues at hand. But with that, come so many decisions. We have to weigh those things that are important to us. The deepest desires of our hearts will eventually seep out of every orifice of our life's embodiment. I once heard a quote that read, "God is great at giving us what we deeply, truly desire". If we desire knowledge and comprehension, then we have to desire it enough..that our feet will lead us to quiet places, our minds are open to think, and our ears are ever open to listen and our hands to apply. Likewise, if we desire money, then perhaps God will leave us with the consequences of money: emptiness, greed, and unsatisfaction.
I made that same walk yesterday with Bryan Botsford's dog (Josie) during the day. I noticed an interesting trend that i could relate to the consequences of people getting the desires of their hearts.
I was reading at Fox News and came across this piece of data:
"The number of unsold homes on the market at the end of March fell 1.6 percent from a month earlier to 3.7 million, not including new homes, according to the National Association of Realtors. But since sales remain sluggish, it would take almost 10 months to rid the market of those properties, compared with about 6.5 months in 2006." (FoxNews, "Housing Contruction Drops..."5/19/2009).
This is what Apostles told us one month prior:
"All of us are responsible to provide for ourselves and our families in both temporal and spiritual ways. To provide providently, we must practice the principles of provident living: joyfully living within our means, being content with what we have, avoiding excessive debt, and diligently saving and preparing for rainy-day emergencies. When we live providently, we can provide for ourselves and our families and also follow the Savior’s example to serve and bless others...
"Another important way we help our children learn to be provident providers is by establishing a family budget. We should regularly review our family income, savings, and spending plan in family council meetings. This will teach our children to recognize the difference between wants and needs and to plan ahead for meaningful use of family resources." (Elder Robert D. Hales, 'Becoming Provident Providers').
I am a firm believer of the old addage, 'You get what you want'. I guess that is why we search for good examples and align our desires with theirs. If we want temporary, then we'll choose the temporal. If we desire eternity, then we will choose the eternal.
It was good to get out and walk around the block.